
Predicting the matches

Predict the end score of all the matches in the tournament/competition. You have until 30 minutes before the start of a match to add or change your prediction.

The scoring

You get points for predicting the correct winner of the match or prediction of a draw. We call this the toto score. In case you also predict the exact amount of points scored, you get extra points. We call this the full score. If you got the score correct you get the extra bonus, even if you didn’t get the match result correct (e.g. match ends in 26-16 and you predicted 20-16 you will still get 10 points). The last scoring options is the score difference bonus: if you predict the correct winner, not the exact score, but you predicted the correct points, you get the exact score bonus (e.g. you predicted 32-16 or 24-22 and result is 12-6).

toto score 20
full score 50
correct score bonus 10
score difference bonus 20
bonus question may be different for every question

If you want to view the ranking, then go to the ranking page and pick the correct league. If you’re logged in, then the league for which you subscribed, is automatically picked.

Same ranking?

When multiple players have the exact same amount of points, then the following sorting rules are applied on the ranking (most important one at the top):

  1. amount of full scores;
  2. amount of toto scores;
  3. amount of correct bonus questions.